Uranquinty Playgroup

Phone : 0437 777 930 or 0437 775 390
Address : Neighbourhood Centre, Connorton Street, Uranquinty NW 2650


Opening Hours :Tuesday mornings 9.30am – 12pm

Come along to Uranquinty playgroup every Tuesday 9.30-12 at the Uranquinty Pre School. It’s a great opportunity to get out and meet new people in the community while the children get to play and use their imagination in a safe and secure area. With access to the play equipment, swings and sandpit, enjoy a cuppa and a chat while the children interact and burn off some energy.  Hand sanitiser will be available for all to use. All children under school age are welcome, come along and enjoy a coffee and arts and crafts with the kids!

$4 per family (frst two visits free) or $35 for the term

For more information please see the Uranquinty Playgroup Facebook page (Quinty Playgroup)