Uranquinty Community Safety Group
Background on the origins of the Uranquinty Community Safety Group (UCSG)
The SES has limited personnel and resources so that their ability to deal with multiple emergencies is often stretched. With this in mind, the UCSG was formed with the assistance and under the guidance of the SES.
Our objective is to provide a self-help group to assist the residents of our village during any emergency. This was the first group to be formed in New South Wales and has been used since then as the model for more than thirty groups in the state which are now designated as SES Community Action Teams (CAT). We are also called upon to provide information to other groups starting out.
What will happen in an emergency?
The principal function of the UCSG during an emergency is to facilitate liaison with the SES and keep the community informed of all developments.

When notified to do so by the SES, the UCSG will set up a central control point to organise assistance at the Quinty Mens Shed.
Evacuation point at the Neighbourhood Centre will be set up if required. The UCSG maintains a sandbag filling facility at the Quinty Mens Shed for community use during an emergency.
The UCSG make requests to WWCC to work on specific areas of concern with the levee system and the internal storm water system.
Please let us know of any area where you see an issue so that we can get any issues resolved
If you have an emergency situation please call SES on 132500 or 000.
Meetings are held bi-monthly at the Community Hall.
To date we have been involved with:
- Clearing under the highway and rail bridge
- Churches Plain Road levee maintenance
- representing Uranquinty for the VOFF report
- consulting and submitting information for the VOFF report
- assisting with a regional training exercise with the SES and conducting our own training exercise with the local SES
- setting up and maintaining a Cache of equipment for community use in an emergency
- consulting with WWCC engineer for the reinforcement of the north levee
- being ‘on duty’ and sandbagging/providing sandbags and assistance for Uranquinty during flooding events
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Safety Group
Background on the origins of the Safety Group
The SES has limited personnel and resources so that their ability to deal with multiple emergencies is often stretched. With this in mind, the Uranquinty Community Safety Group
was formed with the assistance and under the guidance of the SES.
Our objective is to provide a self-help group to assist the residents of our village during any emergency.
This was the first group to be formed in New South Wales and has been used since then as the model for more than thirty groups in the state which are now designated as SES Community Action Teams (CAT). We are also called upon to provide information to other groups starting out.
What will happen in an emergency?
The principal function of the UCSG during an emergency is to facilitate liaison with the SES and keep the community informed of all developments.

When notified to do so by the SES, the UCSG will set up a central control point to organise assistance at the Quinty Mens Shed.
Evacuation point at the Neighbourhood Centre will be set up if required. The UCSG maintains a sandbag filling facility at the Quinty Mens Shed for community use during an emergency.
The UCSG make requests to WWCC to work on specific areas of concern with the levee system and the internal storm water system.
Please let us know of any area where you see an issue so that we can get any issues resolved
If you have an emergency situation please call SES on 132500 or 000.
Meetings are held bi-monthly at the Community Hall.
To date we have been involved with:
- Clearing out the drains in the village: Uranqunitry St to Pearson St; along Pearson; along Ryan St
- Under the highway and rail bridge
- Churches Plain Road levee maintenance
- representing Uranquinty for the VOFF report
- consulting and submitting information for the VOFF report
- assisting with a regional training exercise with the SES and conducting our own training exercise with the local SES
- setting up and maintaining a Cache of equipment for community use in an emergency
- consulting with WWCC engineer for the reinforcement of the north levee
- being ‘on duty’ and sandbagging/providing sandbags and assistance for Uranquinty during flooding events